Ujamaa Christian Poetry


They call the place Getsemane,
What is the meaning of the word?
The place of the oil press,
Oh, what irony that night!
The irony in the pressure,
Felt by Christ that night…

Jesus went with Peter, James and John,
To that place up on the hill,
To the place they press the olives,
Oh, the night was still!
No olives being pressed that night,
Just the Lord's presence, His radiant light!

Jesus was a stones throw away,
Away from the disciples three,
Away from Peter, James and John,
Alone to pray to Thee!

Jesus falls to pray a first time,
The weight of all sins past…
Lord, if this cup be passed!

Jesus falls a second time,
The weight of sin that day,
Lord if this cup be passed!

Jesus falls a third time,
Falls on bended knee,
The pressure of the sins He feels now,
The sins of you and me!

The drops of sweat fall like blood,
Like oil from the press,
Like olives falling from the tree,
In that place, Gethsemane!

Inspired by Luke 22:39-44

Written by Mark J. Brown


Ujamaa Christian Poetry