Ujamaa Christian Poetry

In A Whisper

Screaming and shouting
Tyrannies about things
Sinners must surely know

Pointing and saying
If we're obeying
The Kingdom within us grows

Reaching and holding
The path now unfolding
You must have the new birth

Testing your feelings
The Spirit is dealing
Redemption upon the Earth

There is no fire to burn away your sin
No holy vision coming from within
Only the devil trying to deter
The still small voice of God's heavenly whisper

In a whisper
He is talking now to you
In a whisper
I think you know what to do
In a whisper
Jesus says I love you
In a whisper
He's making one out of the two

Screaming and shouting
There's joy in not doubting
That Jesus died for you

Pointing and saying
I'm glad I'm obeying
You can receive Him too

Reaching and holding
He is forever molding
We all will be like Him

Testing and trying
You'll know who is lying
Never letting the world in

Written by Mark A. Carney


Ujamaa Christian Poetry