Ujamaa Christian Poetry

Does God Laugh?

Does God laugh
When a baby takes first steps,
Wobbling and experiencing

Does God laugh
When children gleefully frolic
In Autumn's leaves, enjoying
His creation?

Does God laugh
When His children laugh
At their own idiosyncrasies
And jokes?

Does God laugh
When a babe is born
And families celebrate
His miracle of life?

Does God laugh
When a brother
Forgives a brother,
Creating harmony?

Does God laugh
When a pure couple
Is joined in matrimony
With His blessing?

Does God laugh
When Spring's buds explode
In colors of His choosing,
And humans rejoice?

Does God laugh
When we allow
His light to break through,
Experiencing wisdom?

Does God laugh
When animals chase each other
In playful and friendly pursuit
With funny antics?

Does God laugh
When we humans race
And dash to and fro,
Thinking we are in control?
Does God laugh
When His people
Dance and sing in worship
And true joy?

Does God laugh
When the first snow
Spreads white purity
Wherever it lands?

Does God laugh
When we achieve
An impossible goal
And thank Him?

Does God laugh
When baby birds
Hop and flutter,
Twittering in glee?

Does God laugh
When believers gather
And fellowship together
In perfect accord?

Does God laugh
When we joyfully
Appreciate the works
Of His hands?

Does God laugh
When His creation sings
And gives Him glory
For existence?

Does God laugh
When a believer
Leaves this world
And is welcomed into Paradise?

Does God laugh
When a person
Lays his heart
At the feet of Jesus?

Does God laugh
When we laugh
In complete abandon,
Praising Him?

If you have to ask these questions
Then, you don't know God well
We're created in His image
GOD LAUGHS-truth to tell!

Written by Marlene Kaye Bonney


Ujamaa Christian Poetry