Ujamaa Christian Poetry

Divine Circle of Love

Oh my Heavenly Lover, I long and desire to
greet you in our secret place. I desire
to be fertile that you may impregnate me
with more of your divine love that I may
give birth to that which is pleasing in
your sight. What an Honor it is to labor
in pain to birth your Holy seed. Sanctify
my breast that I may give suckle to your
Holy children, that they may mature in the
pleasures of Holiness. I pray my conception
is continual with thee. Enter me that I
may reflect the image of Your perfect love.
Cultivate the soil of my womb and keep it
sanctified and Holy for Your divine seed
to be planted. Oh my King, my Master, my
Lord I earnestly covet your seed in me.

Written by Kitty Darlynn Williams


Ujamaa Christian Poetry