Ujamaa Christian Poetry

The most peaceful place is in the middle of the storm.

Who hears the whisper in the roar of the crowd?
Why bother to read lips when one's talking aloud?
Is the heat from fireplace felt when the weather's warm?
The most peaceful place is in the middle of the storm.

What's one drop of water unless the throat is scorched?
In the height of daylight why carry a torch?
If everything is perfect why bother with reform?
The most peaceful place is in the middle of the storm.

I don't crave for manna when my belly is full
Or pray for strength when I've nothing to pull
There's no need to practice if I'll never perform
The most peaceful place is in the middle of the storm.

Why do I need faith if my requests are met?
Why make deposits if I've incurred no debt?
Don't we appreciate the rose because of it's thorns?
The most peaceful place is in the middle of the storm.

When perceived trials come at first I complain
Then wonder, is this the only way I hear you call my name?
Sometimes I think myself insane
Dare I pray for the storm, the wind and the rain?

It is in the middle of the storm that I feel your peace
That your love wraps around me like the warmest, softest fleece
That I see how perfectly I am kept
And unless I'm focused on you I'm completely inept

Teach me to quiet myself, so I wont need to be policed
So I wont need a storm to recognize your peace
But should they come, I have now been forewarned
The most peaceful place is in the middle of the storm.

Written by Annette M. Parrott


Ujamaa Christian Poetry