Ujamaa Christian Poetry


Too many men have no fear
Of God and His wrath that is clear
All creation groans and travails for His day
When that wrath unleashed reveals
That men should have had fear
For God is holy and just
Be His enemy now and later combust
A lake of fire is where they will go
With satan and his horde oh no
Enjoy that party as you joke
about hell, beer and women you know
I warn you now man and so
laugh it off merry make for a time
love your sin and your sex so sublime
Eternity is a long , long while you know
To be anywhere else but with Him
Where everything good does abound
Trust on the Son and believe God is love
Or gnashing teeth and weep you'll have
Tis your choice, no not is it mine
Oh, so you shall wait until you are old
until you feel something inside
YOU FOOL for tonight you do die
choice unmade still a choice
Not for Him did decide you I fear
your fate now really quite clear
My tears would I lend you my friend
To cool your tongue where you go
But alas it was you who had said
nothing taken whence once death does come
I prove you wrong twice as a fool
for I die tonight too without fear
and I take what I have done just right here
For rewards from my King do you hear
I am sorry that this is just all
but that bus awaits you my friend
but not all is a loss as I know
for you can still choose life if you will
repent of your sins unto God
believe on the Son for salvation too friend
like me then you shall then be
Saved eternally you see

Written by Caroline Hampton


Ujamaa Christian Poetry