Ujamaa Christian Poetry

John 8:31

"If you are truly my disciples and live as I tell you to,
and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
Friends, I don't know about you but
that is awesome Scripture to me.

It's a good feeling to know that our spirits shall be set free
and one day they will be Glory bound.
I can hardly wait to make it into
God's Heavenly Town.

Jesus has also told us that there are many mansions
waiting for all who are free from their sin.
They will be coming in the blink of an eye
and their eternal life will be begin.

Thank You, Jesus, for telling us
about Your Father's Glory - it is so very awesome!
Thank You, Jesus for preparing us
for the things that shall come.

Written by George Edward Noe


Ujamaa Christian Poetry