Ujamaa Christian Poetry

The Unblemished Lamb

The unblemished Lamb as a sacrifice
Came to Calvary
The sinless, spotless, son of God
Would shed His blood for me
In my hopeless lost condition
He came to seek and save
He took God's wrath upon Himself
And went to an early grave

But that did not diminish His power
But showed His power much more
For three days later He would arise
And prove He was the Door
Through which if we would enter in
And trust Him for salvation
We would be forgiven for all our sins
By the Ruler over all the nations

Satan thought he had had last laugh
But last laugh he had not
For look what great salvation this
That our God hath wrought
For in the Son God blessed the world
In that He sent Him to die
We do not go about in fear
But "We're Saved!" is our cry!

So bless You Lord, O bless You Lord
In spite of insurrection
You have raised up Christ from the dead
To become our Resurrection
In Him we live, in Christ we stand
All glory be Thy name
We're marching on to Zion's land
Thank God Lord Jesus came!

Written by Gary James Smith


Ujamaa Christian Poetry