Ujamaa Christian Poetry

As if

realities sometimes are
taken for granted
relationships often suffer
from just that
so it is with faith
hope and love
Sunday Mass
Sacred Scripture
Grace before meals
memorized prayers
Love the Lord your God with
all your heart and
your neighbor as yourself
Jesus died and rose
the Gift of the Holy Spirit
you are My witnesses
proclaim the Good News to
every creature
ho-hum, what time's the game?
work's a killer this week
too many things to think about
plan or deal with
too many ingrained habits
easier to get along than
get going even when
we're committed belivers
what would my life look like if
I actually lived
as if....
Jesus really did die for me
He is alive and real and
lives in me and is
passionately in love with me
I am a son of God
God is my Father
I can trust Him
I have the Power of the Holy Spirit
I actually do have His Gifts and He
wants me to use them
Jesus is really present in the Eucharist
He is absolutely Holy and I am not worthy
He wants to use me to bring others to know Him
He hears me when I speak to Him and
He wants to speak to me
He wants to just Be with me
He wants to bear my sorrows
He wants to love others through me
He is my joy
He accompanies His Word with
Signs and Wonders
what if I actually lived
as if...
where do I begin?
how about I
ask Jesus how I don't live as if...
repent and
begin today to live as if....
it's all

Written by Eugene Firn


Ujamaa Christian Poetry