Ujamaa Christian Poetry


Had it not been for Loretta,
Who witnessed to me day and night,
Had I not listened to what she was saying,
I would have missed the path that was right!

Had it not been for the LORD'S sacrifice,
The fact that he died for all of my sin,
Had I not accepted his forgiveness and grace,
My life would have come to an end.

Had the LORD not of washed my sins away,
I wouldn't be healed and happy today!
I would have been lost, never finding my way,
For my sin would have killed me I'm sorry to say.

Had it not been for my loving wife,
Who stood behind me for my dreams to come true,
I never would have accomplished a thing,
Or anything that I tried to do.

Had it not been for my beautiful daughter,
Jazman my granddaughter wouldn't be here,
And she is Pa-Pa's baby,
This I know is clear.

Had it not been for my loving son,
Who really loves DAD,
Life on this Earth,
Would have been lonely and sad.
So here's to the people,
And for they're help I'm so glad,
I'm sure I wouldn't be here,
If it wasn't for DAD!

Written by Ernest Trussell


Ujamaa Christian Poetry