Ujamaa Christian Poetry

Week Day Prayer

It is Your face that I seek
Father before I start my week
Lord I need You to examine me
Search thoroughly
For anything that hinders
I surrender
My all
I kneel with utmost humility so that You can prevent my fall
Let Your presence fill my heart
Sanctify me with Your essence and cover my soul whenever I depart
I ask that You grant me the wisdom to pick and choose my battles
Before I allow my to tongue rattle
I offer up my gratitude
Because I know sooner or later You will have to adjust my attitude
Instill in me the patience to handle those
Who can alternate at will between friends or foes
Give me the peace to understand that my conception
Is not everyone's perception
Touch my mind so that I can smile
Make it possible for me to go that extra mile
Lord, for protection
Surround me with the Blood of Your Son
Smooth my path with Your grace
As I travel from my home, to work or any place
Embrace me
With Your mercy
Father, I ask that you forgive me in advance
I am subject to waver from Your will and my promised stance
Lord, thanks for blessing me with Your divine favor
Place Your sweetness into my spirit as a fruit that I can daily savor

Written by Colette D. Jones


Ujamaa Christian Poetry