Ujamaa Christian Poetry

Not In Vain

You reject me when I speak to your heart, you
say to yourself, I need no new start. I speak
to you through my creation, yet you continue
in your abomination. I stand and knock at
your door, soon I will no more. Judge me not
because of the way things are, I long to
bless you above far. Take the scales from
your eyes to see, I desire to comfort your
fears continuously. Receive me into your
stony, wounded heart, my love and spirit will
never depart. The broken pieces I promise to
mend, what better love than one who lays his
life down for a friend. I chose to die this
horrific death and with my love for you I
gave up my last breadth. I gave up my life,
for this world have slain, please my friend
let it be not in vain.

Written by Kitty Darlynn Williams


Ujamaa Christian Poetry