Ujamaa Christian Poetry

Jesus Is Coming

The time is drawing near
for Jesus to finally appear;
Some of us will be filled such fear
because our hearts and minds aren't clear.
It's time to unite together as one
and go out to get the "soul-winning" job done;
By telling the "Good News" about God's only Son
then you too, can have a new life begun.
It's time for all wars to come to an end
and love each enemy as your friend;
If, heaven is where you want to ascend
then only on Jesus can you truly depend!
It's time to begin the preparation
of getting your "spiritual house" in order;
It's time to give yourself an evaluation
and ask God to remove all the disorder.
It's time to freely seek to discern
and you'd be surprised at what you might learn;
Because when Jesus does make His return
you wont go to hell to forever burn!

Written by Catherine L. Brown


Ujamaa Christian Poetry